Neela provides what she can each day for her family, but it is often not enough.
Neela* worries deeply for her children, especially baby Ajani*. She starts each day unsure of how she will provide for her family, a reality that, alarmingly, is not hers alone. With over 70% of households in Emdibir facing similar challenges, Fr Habte and the Church are desperate to come alongside their community and make a lasting difference for families like Neela’s. In collaboration with the local community, Fr Habte has a vision of establishing a goat rearing centre that will provide nourishing milk for families in most need. But this project is only possible with the partnership and support of people like you.
Learn more about Neela’s story and the plans for the Deberety Goat Rearing Centre in this video.
Goats are a common livestock animal in Ethiopia, and their meat is eaten across the country, yet many farmers are not aware of the benefits of their milk, which is more nutritious than cows’ milk. In addition, goats are cheaper than cows and hardier for the harsh, dry conditions. Goats milk can be used as milk, especially beneficial for children like Ajani, or turned into foods such as cheese and butter.
Distressingly, malnutrition is a contributing factor in over 50% of the deaths of children under the age of five in Ethiopia.
Fr Habte works in collaboration with the local community to support those in need in the most effective and practical way.
Your partnership today can help provide lasting change in Ethiopia and around the world.
Establishing the Goat Rearing Centre means that Neela can access much needed support for her family, and that health problems like malnutrition are less likely to impact young children and babies like Ajani.
By partnering with this program, you are being a witness of Jesus Christ, as He has called us to be in Acts 1:8, and making a life-changing difference for those in need like Neela and her family. As Fr Habte says,
“A person who understands the idea that God is love, a believer who cares about his fellow man, grieves, and makes every sacrifice possible.”
Will you help bring Fr Habte and the community of Emdibir’s vision to life, bringing hope and making a lasting change for families in need like Neela’s?
Your tax-deductible gift today can help purchase goats, feed and veterinary medication for the centre, as well as contribute towards the construction of the sheds for the goats. Your gift can also support the income of a caretaker for the goats. Should you not require a tax-receipt, your gift can support all these programs and other faith formation programs. Many similar mission projects around the world will also benefit from your generosity.
*Name and images altered to protect identity