Formation programs and resources

Spiritual Nourishment - Experiential Learning - Professional Development - Holistic Formation

Who we are

Our formation programs provide ongoing support and development to those who are working in parishes and diocesan agencies, health, aged care, education and social services of the Australian Catholic Church.

Through our formation and educational programs, participants are invited to reflect upon their own organisational systems and structures and how they embody the ‘Joy of the Gospel’.

In this way our programs examine the impact on people’s beliefs, values, behaviours, personal and professional day-to-day decisions and actions, and reflect a continuing journey towards being Jesus in the world today for all whom they encounter.

Catholic Mission Formation Services transforms hearts and minds to live the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ and lead mission. Our Formation Services facilitate opportunities for staff to encounter God in the world through an immersive, interactive pedagogy of dialogue, encounter and experience which engages the whole person.

Catholic Mission Formation Services transforms hearts and minds to live the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ and lead mission.

Our expertise and services:

Professional development

Theological formation for mission

  • Living and leading your mission in the image of Christ, with inspiration from Pope Francis.
  • Missionary discipleship and Catholic identity and character.
  • Parish life, leadership and pastoral programs for mission.
  • Pope Francis; his leadership, teachings, witness and vision for Church; mission and being with the poor.
  • Mission theology and liberation theology.
  • Mission and Scripture.

Spiritual nourishment and guided retreats

  • We offer pre-developed retreats or we are able to create a program in partnership which caters to your specific needs.

Mission formation workshops and facilitation

We can work with a range of groups including principals; RECs/APREs; social justice, outreach program and liturgy coordinators; whole staff groups; young and inexperienced teachers; executive leadership teams for health, education and social services; mission directors; pastoral care teams; boards and trustees; operational and service staff; middle to senior management teams.

Catholic Mission offers the following experiential workshops that enable students and teachers to learn more about issues of mission and justice.

  • Know Me – Kindergarten to Year 4

Know Me is an interactive and multi-modal story telling workshop.

A number of objects are concealed in a ‘feely bag’. Each object represents an issue that significantly affects the lives of children in the Majority World. Participants are selected to reach into the bag and identify an object. All participants then role-play an action based on that object. The facilitator shares a story, supported by images, of a Catholic Mission project that meets the needs of children regarding the issue. The facilitator assists participants to understand that they can support the work of mission by retelling the stories to others, and through prayer and fundraising for Catholic Mission.

  • The Haves and the Have Nots – Year 5 to Year 12

The Haves and the Have Nots is an interactive simulation game followed by a facilitated debrief and exploration of relevant global issues and the work of Catholic Mission. Participants are randomly designated as a Have or a Have Not as they enter the workshop. The facilitator gives some background information about global inequality. Participants personally experience inequality and its consequences through a number of scenarios in a simulation game. The facilitator leads a de-rolling exercise and a whole-group debriefing. Participants work in small groups to explore issues raised by the simulation game and make links to mission. The facilitator frames global inequality as a challenge that demands a response. The facilitator assists participants to understand that they can be part of the work of mission by taking action including supporting the work of Catholic Mission.

Team building, consultation, culture and change management for organisational mission

  • We partner with local and national church organisations, so that all women and men, including those working in leadership within our church structures, are empowered to give joy-filled witness to Christ’s mission and the Kingdom of God.
  • Through our formation and educational programs, participants are invited to reflect upon their own organisational systems and structures and how they embody the ‘Joy of the Gospel’: impacting on people’s beliefs, values, behaviours, personal and professional day-to-day decisions and actions AND reflecting a continuing journey towards being Jesus in the world today for all whom they encounter.

Our Partners

Catholic Education

Principals, APs, RECs, APREs, KLA heads, and teams, Whole staff groups, Liturgy, justice, and outreach program coordinators.

Catholic Agencies and Local Parishes

Parish pastoral councils, Pastoral associates, Family educators, Clergy and deacons, Religious orders, Congregational leadership teams.

Catholic Health Care

Whole staff groups, Beginning or early career staff, Executive leadership teams, Directors of mission, Pastoral care teams.

Catholic Social Services

Boards and trustees, Operational and service staff, Middle to senior management teams, Service delivery coordinators, Volunteer teams.


We left that day renewed and uplifted. It was as if nourishing seeds had been planted in our hearts, revitalising our hope and re-imagining our love in the work of aged care and health. I thoroughly recommend the formation day. You will be pleasantly surprised by both the process and the content as a means to come aside and rediscover the jewel of the Gospel.
Dominic Arcamone
Mission and Pastoral Services Manager, Catholic Healthcare

The wisdom, insight and leadership of Catholic Mission Formation Services has been central to the ongoing success and fulfillment of a strategic goal of Catholic Education Wollongong: ‘to increase the capacity of staff to dynamically and authentically embrace a call to Mission as a core expression of identity’ Working in partnership with the Catholic Mission Formation team has been a professional and personal delight.
Ken Bryant Head of Service: Catholic Life, Education and Ministry Team, Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong

Wagga Wagga Catholic Schools are seeking new ways to grow staff knowledge and understanding of Pope Francis’ call to missionary discipleship. Catholic Mission Formation Services have partnered with the Catholic Schools Office and school leadership teams as we have discerned our staff needs and assisted us in designing quality professional learning activities to meet our people “where they are”. We are looking forward to a long and fruitful association with Catholic Mission Formation Services.
Christopher Cotter Assistant Director: Catholic Life & Mission, CSO Wagga Wagga

The Catholic Schools Office have engaged Catholic Mission Formation Services to support us in preparing staff to work with secondary students in the diocesan social justice camp. This enabled a greater depth of understanding of the social justice concepts in a variety of contexts and a clarity around the fact that this work is part of mission for us as Catholic educators. This modelling will continue into the camp with plenaries and workshops being offered by staff of Catholic Mission.
Jane Plum
School Service Officer: RE & Mission, CSO Wagga Wagga

Thank you Catholic Mission for your unique and engaging approach. Our Port Lincoln experience provided opportunity for all present to deepen and explore our Catholic tradition in light of the ‘Francis Effect’. Your comprehensive and systematic presentation was valued by all gathered at our Diocesan Leaders Conference - accessible, extremely relevant and lots of fun.
Brenda Keenan
Director of Catholic Education Diocese of Port Pirie, South Australia