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Pronounced by Pope Francis in Portugal during World Youth Day 2023, the phrase “Todos, todos, todos…” (everyone, everyone, everyone…) has resonated in the hearts of many.
Building on this inclusive message, Pope Francis has recently published his World Mission Sunday message with a key theme from Matthew 22:09 of “Go and invite everyone to the banquet".
This message of inclusion raises the question of what unites us all and presents a valuable opportunity for growth and unity, as it requires everyone to open their hearts and minds to each other.
Guided by the Gospel, we can find answers to creating ways of inclusion and dialogue.
The Gospel is made to gather and not divide, to invite and not to exclude. This is the message Pope Francis shares, reminding everyone of the importance of sharing the Gospel and, above all, reaching out to all by inviting them to be part of the celebration we call “life,” as we all have a seat at the table.
The Gospel has transferable values that help create bridges of solidarity, for everyone, everywhere. From one of the smallest Catholic Churches in the world, Cardinal Giorgio Marengo, the Apostolic Prefect of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, defines the Gospel values as “universal and open to all cultures and traditions.”
Amongst the newest Catholic communities, the Church in Mongolia embodies the Gospel in action. The growth of the local church community is thanks to the dedication of the missionaries who have dedicated their lives to service and continuously provide essential social services to Mongolian society.
Working hand-in-hand with local communities around the world, Catholic Mission is also walking alongside the Mongolian Church to further develop life-changing projects on the ground and provide a helping hand to our brothers and sisters most in need.
Catholic Mission is responding to Pope Francis' call to create a more just world, with the principle of inclusion and unity at its core. Inspired by the theme, “Go and invite everyone to the banquet” (Mt 22:9), we invite you to join us on this journey and to become actors of change.
“Let us not forget that every Christian is called to take part in this universal mission by offering his or her own witness to the Gospel in every context,” highlighted Pope Francis in the 2024 World Mission Sunday message.
At the beginning of this season of Lent, where communion is at the centre of our attention, together, let's extend the invitation to the banquet far and wide, building bridges of solidarity and unity.
To celebrate missionaries and their work, Pope Francis has published a message for the 2024 World Mission Sunday. With the theme chosen, “Go and invite everyone to the banquet” (Mt 22:9)
Read Pope Francis' 2024 World Mission Sunday message